Why Am I Still Tired After 8 Hours Of Sleep?

Why 8 Hours of Sleep Alone Isn’t Enough

Key highlights or summary

  • 8 hours of sleep is the minimum requirement for adults.  
  • 8 hours of interrupted sleep cannot be considered as good enough and a balance between sleep duration and quality must always be maintained.
  • If you’re feeling sleepy but can’t sleep, then the time to evaluate circumstances and limit bad habits has come.
  • ‘Tired but worth it’ is not the way to go, and a professional has to be consulted to strike a work-life balance if there are too many things on one’s plate. 

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8 hours of sleep is important because it's the ideal amount of sleep for an adult. While this does account for individual differences, 8 hours of sleep per night guarantees bodily repair and regeneration, cognitive functioning, and good emotional and physical health. The 8 hours of sleep myth is actually very real, and its positive impact is great for the adult body. 

“Why am I always sleepy?” This can be caused by many factors; 8 hours of interrupted sleep, poor sleep quality, irregular schedules, and disorders. Always sleepy even with enough sleep is another issue many face. Duration alone isn’t enough, look at all aspects starting from any tension or anxiety, noises or disturbances, medical conditions, or the external environment as a whole. These are some factors that result in feeling fatigued and sleepy all the time. 

If you often feel tired and think that I am always sleepy no matter how much sleep I get, there are many ways to feel better. Prioritize adequate sleep and the benefits of 8 hours of sleep. Maintain a consistent schedule, stay physically active, watch your diet, and address mental health issues. All of this will stop you from feeling tired all the time. 

You need to strike a balance. There are multiple disadvantages of sleeping more than 8 hours. If you’re still sleepy after 8 hours of sleep, consult a professional or try to identify areas of your life that might need change. Regulate your body's internal clock. Use alarms to wake up at the same time, set a standard bedtime, and gradually reduce sleep time. Limit naps, manage medication, and relax.