Popping Sleeping Pills? Here's What You Need To Know

Why sleeping pills should be taken only occasionally

Key highlights or summary

  • Sleeping pills are a quick-fix solution to insomnia and other sleep problems, but they also have plenty of side effects.
  • Risks of prolonged sleeping pill use vary from drowsiness in the morning to the development of high blood pressure and even cancer. 
  • Over-the-counter sleeping pills are better at helping people fall asleep rather than keeping them asleep all night.
  • Prescription sleeping pills work on the body for longer and ensure a full night's sleep, but they might also make a person groggy during the day.
  • Sleeping pills can react badly with other medications, so they should be taken after checking with a doctor.
  • It's possible, through lifestyle changes, to naturally induce good sleep and eliminate the need for sleeping pills.

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