Put The Phone Away, The Light Is Killing Your Sleep!

Understanding the connection between blue light and sleep

Key highlights or summary

  • Most living organisms, including humans, have evolved to respond to light and darkness. Artificial light disrupts that evolutionary response and disrupts sleep.
  • Artificial light makes us stay up till late night and adversely affects the production of melatonin, the hormone that helps us fall asleep and brings down the body temperature.
  • Of all the artificial lighting that we're exposed to, blue light is the worst one for sleep, and most of our device screens emit light in the blue wavelength.
  • Blue light is natural, and it's energizing during the day, but for exactly that reason, it's not so beneficial when we have to sleep.
  • To get enough sleep, you need to stay away from all screens for at least 60 minute before bedtime.
  • Darken your bedroom before going to sleep at night, and take in as much sunlight as possible during the day.

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  1. NIH: The Global Problem of Insufficient Sleep and Its Serious Public Health Implications
  2. ScienceDaily: Artificial light from digital devices lessens sleep quality
  3. J Biophotonics. 2019 Dec; 12(12): e201900102. Published online 2019 Sep 2. doi: 10.1002/jbio.201900102. PMCID: PMC7065627. PMID: 31433569
  4. NIH: The inner clock—Blue light sets the human rhythm  
  5. ScienceDaily: Lights out: The neural relationship between light and sleep
  6. Sleep Foundation: Light Therapy for Insomnia Sufferers 
  7. Stanfordhealthcare: Bright Light Therapy 
  8. Parelman School of Medicine : The Use of Bright Light in the Treatment of Insomnia 
  9. Sleepeducation: Bright Light Therapy

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