Iron-packed Recipes For Women's Health
Key highlights or summary
- Loss of iron is more common in women due to blood loss during menstruation.
- Replenishing the iron loss can be best achieved by consuming a variety of iron-rich food varieties.
- Trying out various iron-packed recipes will make for an interesting and experimentative way of consuming a variety of food ingredients as well as fortifying our body's requirements for iron.
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- Abbaspour N, et al. Review on iron and its importance for human health. Journal of research in medical sciences: the official journal of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. 2014 Feb;19(2):164.
- Hemoglobin and Functions of iron. Available at ucsfhealth
- How to get more iron from your diet? Available at Medicalnewstoday
- Iron-rich recipes Available at Bbcgoodfood
- Iron-rich vegetarian meals. Available at Verywellhealth
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