Chocolates That Work Wonders For Your Period Cramps

Chocolates  For Period Cramps

Key highlights or summary

  • Period pains and other associated symptoms are prevalent in most women of reproductive age.
  • A lot of women tend to crave chocolates on periods.
  • Consuming 60%, 80%, or even 90% dark chocolate bars is healthier than other sugar-filled chocolates.
  • Dark chocolates combined with berries, nuts, seeds, cinnamon, mint etc., are a great option as a tasty, healthy, nutrient-rich snack for the craving and to reduce PMS symptoms.

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  1. Zellner D, et al. Chocolate craving and the menstrual cycle. Appetite. 2004 Feb;42(1):119-21.
  2. Souza L, et al. Do Food Intake and Food Cravings Change during the Menstrual Cycle of Young Women? Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2018 Nov;40(11):686-692. English.
  3. Maharani S, et al. "Dark chocolate's effect on menstrual pain in late adolescents." Belitung Nursing Journal6 (2017): 686-692.

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The following reasons are attributed to the chocolate cravings during periods:

  • During the menstrual cycle, the stress hormone cortisol and estrogen levels fluctuate. When cortisol levels increase, women become more metabolically charged, and their appetite stimulates.
  • Most women with PMS experience a drop in serotonin levels triggering cravings for carbs because the body uses carbs to make serotonin. Simple sugars like chocolates are metabolized more quickly than complex carbs, offering a quick serotonin fix.
  • Other research has linked PMS to a state of low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia, in the second half of the menstrual cycle. The blood sugar drops significantly after 1-2 hours, making them crave more carbs.

Women crave chocolate due to:

  • Hormonal fluctuations in women cause decreases in levels of serotonin and are associated with increased cravings for sweet and carbohydrate-rich foods, including chocolate.
  • Chocolate contains compounds such as magnesium, which may have a muscle-relaxing effect and can help reduce cramps.
  • The pleasurable taste and texture of chocolate, and its ability to stimulate the release of endorphins, which are natural mood-lifting and pain-relieving chemicals, make period chocolate the go-to snack.
  • Always choose dark chocolate with a higher cocoa content due to its potential health benefits.

Yes, dark chocolate is a healthier option as it contains more cocoa and less sugar, which can help reduce period pain and improve mood.

Consuming dark chocolate can help relax muscles and reduce cramps due to its high magnesium content, offering some relief during menstruation.

Yes, chocolate can improve mood during periods as it helps release endorphins, which are natural mood lifters. Dark chocolate, in particular, is beneficial due to its high cocoa content and ability to boost serotonin levels.