6 Outdoor Activities That Are Great Exercises For Period Pains
Key highlights or summary
- PMS symptoms and period discomfort can disrupt your regular workout
- Period pain, severe menstrual cramps, and bloating can often make exercise difficult for women
- Research says that working out can reduce PMS symptoms
- Heavy workouts at the gym or fitness center can appear too demanding during period days
- However there are outdoor activities and exercises to alleviate period pain
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- Dehnavi, et al. "The Effect of aerobic exercise on primary dysmenorrhea: A clinical trial study." Journal of education and health promotion vol. 7 3. 10 Jan. 2018.
- Pearce E, et al. "Exercise for premenstrual syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials." BJGP open vol. 4,3 bjgpopen20X101032. 25 Aug. 2020
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