Top 5 Salads to Eat During Your Periods: Benefits & Recipes

Better Menstrual Health

Key highlights or summary

  • A well-rounded diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, healthy fats etc., supports healthy menstrual cycles.
  • Including salads in your diet is the easiest and healthiest way to ensure your body is replenished with needed nutrients.
  • These salads have many potential benefits on menstrual health as alleviating PMS, cramps, PCOS, digestive issues, mood swings etc.
  • Other benefits offered improve overall health and make women physically strong and less prone to fatigue.

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  1. Exercise, diet & periods Available at Thewomens 
  2. Salad Recipes for Fighting Menstrual Cramps Available at Heal with food 
  3. Recipe: Easy Spinach Salad with Apples, Walnuts, and Feta Available at Thekitchn 

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Salads like spinach and broccoli have adequate amounts of magnesium and potassium to help with cramping issues, iron and vitamin C that help the iron get absorbed into the body well.

Leafy green vegetables such as kale and spinach are abundant in iron. During menses, the body loses blood resulting in fatigue, dizziness and anaemia. Spinach has magnesium and B vitamin(folate) that relieve menstrual cramps. The vitamin C in it helps in iron absorption as well.

Yes, of course! Salad recipes for periods include green leafy vegetables abundant in iron and magnesium - helping with PMS. You can even add avocado-a source of good fats- omega -3 or chicken that will give you protein, veggies, fruits, nuts of your choice, olive oil, seeds etc., combined in a single bowl of goodness.

Green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower etc., are abundant in iron, calcium, antioxidants and reduce inflammation. You can find recipes for period cramps containing a lot of these veggies.

Yes, and you should too. A study suggests eating more fruits and vegetables resulted in fewer cramps and reduced menstrual pain. Recipe for periods also includes having fruits as juices, smoothies and salads, which ensures that you intake the adequate nutrients that help in PMS.