Take Care Of Your Liver: 5 Ways To Show Your Liver Some Love

Tips to taking care of your liver

Key highlights or summary

  • From filtering your blood and removing toxins to breaking down food and storing essential vitamins, your liver performs over 500 different functions.
  • Although it is the second largest organ in the human body, not many are aware of the best ways to improve liver function.
  • Taking care of your liver includes eating a nutritious diet, lowering alcohol intake, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, consuming only appropriate medicines and supplements, and keeping a check on viral hepatitis. 

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Foods like berries, nuts, cruciferous vegetables, and fatty fish are good for the liver. These are rich in antioxidants and essential nutrients that can help improve liver function and reduce liver scarring. 

Taking care of your liver involves following certain healthy lifestyle habits like consuming a balanced diet, staying hydrated, exercising, and limiting alcohol consumption. Don’t forget to regularly consult your doctor about the medications you take.

Yes, exercise for the liver is a good way to promote liver health. Picking up some form of physical fitness can help with weight loss and overall metabolism, which in turn, reduces fatty liver and improves insulin sensitivity. 

When working out for a fatty liver, try a combination of aerobic and resistance training exercises. This could include brisk walking, running, cycling, and swimming in addition to weightlifting or bodyweight exercises to promote the burning of fat in the liver.  

Here’s how to keep your liver healthy: Incorporate proper nutrition and maintain an active lifestyle. Along with this, limit the toxins that enter your body through alcohol or cigarettes, and get checked and vaccinated for viral hepatitis at the right time!