Tired Always? Poor Liver Health Could Be Behind It

Poor Liver health

Key highlights or summary

  • It is important to be vigilant of liver health as it is one of the most vital organs in our body responsible for detoxifying, metabolic and immunity functions
  • Constant tiredness and fatigue might be a sign of liver disease and must not be ignored
  • Fatigue may be a symptom  of cholestatic liver disease , which could result from primary biliary cirrhosis and drugs related to liver disease
  • A well-balanced diet and being mindful of foods to have and foods to avoid can go a long way in managing liver health.
  • Here's how fatigue and liver health may be co-related.

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  1. Swain MG. Fatigue in liver disease: pathophysiology and clinical management. Canadian journal of gastroenterology. 2006;20(3):181-8.
  2. Swain MG, Jones DE. Fatigue in chronic liver disease: New insights and therapeutic approaches. Liver International. 2019 Jan;39(1):6-19.
  3. Kumar D, Tandon RK. Fatigue in cholestatic liver disease—a perplexing symptom. Postgraduate medical journal. 2002;78(921):404-7.
  4. Diet for a healthy liver: Dos and Don'ts

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