Hepatitis And Jaundice: Difference Between The Liver Diseases

hepatitis and jaundice

Key highlights or summary

  • The liver has a key role in the metabolic process, digestion, and elimination of waste products.
  • Liver diseases do not always have clear symptoms.
  • Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver caused by viruses, excessive alcohol consumption, or an autoimmune condition.
  • Hepatitis can be considered chronic if it persists for more than 6 months and can cause liver cirrhosis (permanent liver scarring) and liver cancer.
  • Jaundice is the yellowing of the skin due to excess bilirubin. It is more of a symptom than a disorder in itself.
  • Jaundice can be caused by hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver cancer, etc.

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  1. Cleveland Clinic : Adult Jaundice
  2. Pubmed: Epidemiology and clinical manifestations of viral hepatitis
  3. Mindline Plus: Bile
  4. Mayo Clinic : Liver Disease
  5. Hopkins Medicine : Liver Health

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