Music Therapy For Immunity - Does It Work?

Music Therapy

Key highlights or summary

  • Music therapy is a science-based approach that serves as both an immune booster and a stress-buster.
  • Music significantly reduces stress, which directly impacts the immune system. It lowers cortisol levels and improves physiological responses like heart rate and blood pressure.
  • Music therapy has been found to increase the levels of immune cells like natural killer cells and T-cells, and the production of antibodies, especially Immunoglobulin A (IgA).
  • Music therapy includes both active techniques (like singing, playing instruments) and receptive techniques (like listening to music, dancing).
  • Music therapy helps in conditions like depression, anxiety, insomnia, dementia, and Alzheimer's disease.
  • It also improves speech and communication post-stroke, enhances motor skills, aids in emotional identification for autistic individuals, and offers stress relief.

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