Tips For Seniors To Stay Safe and Avoid Injury While Exercising

Tips to avoid injury during exercise

Key highlights or summary

  • Exercising is beneficial and highly recommended for older adults, but they must exercise caution.
  • Seniors are vulnerable to falls, sprains, and injuries, and not taking appropriate measures or precautions while exercising only increases their risk for these events.
  • Seniors can ensure safety while exercising by knowing their limits and listening to their body.
  • Seniors must also invest in the right exercise accessories, including footwear, clothes and safety gear.

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Regular exercise helps maintain mobility, strength, balance, and cardiovascular health, reducing the risk of chronic diseases and improving overall quality of life.

Low-impact activities like walking, swimming, yoga, and strength training are excellent choices for seniors, promoting flexibility, endurance, and muscle health.

Seniors should aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week, spread across several days, along with muscle-strengthening activities twice a week.

Seniors should consult with their healthcare provider before beginning any new exercise regimen, start slowly, and use proper equipment to prevent injury.

Yes, regular physical activity can help manage conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, and heart disease, and can improve mental health and cognitive function.