Decoding Blood Glucose Level Readings: What They Mean

blood glucose level

Key highlights or summary

  • Maintain optimal blood sugar levels for good management of prediabetes and diabetes.
  • Both high and low blood sugar cause blurry vision and impacts kidneys, among other symptoms.
  • Exercise and the right foods can help manage symptoms of high and low sugar and can prevent complications.

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  1. American Diabetes Association: It’s called the A1C test, and it’s a powerhouse.
  2. Scripps: Symptoms of Low Blood Sugar (hypoglycemia)
  3. Optometrists: Why Does Diabetes Cause Blurry Vision?
  4. Davita: Low Blood Sugar and Chronic Kidney Disease
  5. Science Direct: Oral Glucose Tolerance Test
  6. Webmd: Diabetic Coma and Type 2 Diabetes
  7. Diabetes head to toe: Everything you need to know about diagnosis, treatment and living with diabetes.pdf., A John Hopkins Press Health Book, John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, pg 32.
  8. Livescience: What is normal blood sugar?
  9. Difference between: Difference Between Hyperglycemia and Diabetes
  10. What to expect when you have diabetes by the American Diabetes Association.pdf

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