Techniques To Hold Your Baby The Right Way

techniques to hold your baby

Key highlights or summary

  • Cradle the head and neck when you hold a baby.  
  • When putting your baby to sleep, always ensure that everyone watching your child is informed of the hazards of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).  
  • Make sure to burp your infant after feeding them.  
  • When travelling with an infant, using a baby carrier or sling can free up your hands and make travelling more enjoyable both for you and your child.  
  • Skin-to-skin contact with your baby or Kangaroo Mother Care is not only beneficial for babies with low birth weight but also for healthy infants as it helps in enhancing the bond between you and your little bundle of joy.  

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Properly holding your baby is crucial to ensure their safety and comfort. It helps prevent injury and supports their physical development. 

For a newborn, use the "cradle hold." Gently support their head and neck with one hand and place their body along your forearm, keeping their face visible and close to you. 

As your baby grows and gains head control, you can transition to the "shoulder hold" or "hip carry." Make the switch when your baby can hold their head steady, usually around 3-4 months. 

Avoid holding your baby too loosely, not providing proper head support, or allowing your baby to slump. These mistakes can lead to discomfort and potential injury. 

To practice safe holding, learn from healthcare professionals or experienced caregivers, and always pay close attention to your baby's cues and comfort during the process.