Tips To Develop Healthy Sleep Habits In Toddlers

Tips to develop healthy sleep habits

Key highlights or summary

Sleep deprivation can lead to a variety of problems with a child's physical and mental development.  

Behavior, transient insomnia, and screen time insomnia are major causes of less sleep.  

Take care of your child's needs before bedtime so they don't use them as an excuse to stay awake.  

Bedtime stories, playfulness, holding toys while sleeping are some of the most effective ways to develop healthy sleep habits in toddlers.  

Sleeping habits have a positive impact on a toddler's overall health. 

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  1. The Importance of Sleep for Kids
  2. Reyna-Vargas ME, et al. Longitudinal associations between sleep habits, screen time and overweight, obesity in preschool children. Nature and Science of Sleep. 2022;14:1237.
  3. Mindell JA, et al. Development of infant and toddler sleep patterns: real‐world data from a mobile application. Journal of sleep research. 2016 Oct;25(5):508-16.
  4. Owens JA, et al. Behavioral sleep problems in children. UpToDate, Waltham, MA. 2017 Feb 23. 

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Toddlers typically need 11-14 hours of sleep per day, which includes nighttime sleep and one or two daytime naps.

It’s common for toddlers to resist bedtime. Stay calm and reassure them but avoid giving in to demands for extended playtime.

Night wakings are normal, but if they become frequent, consider checking for possible causes like hunger or discomfort. Night terrors are typically brief and may require gentle reassurance. 

Transitioning to a bed is typically done between 2 and 3 years old. The right time varies from child to child and depends on their development and readiness. 

Establishing a healthy sleep routine and environment is the most effective way to improve your toddler's sleep. Natural remedies like warm baths and soothing music can also be helpful.