Ways To Encourage Your Child To Read More

Tips to encourage your child to read more

Key highlights or summary

  • Reading can help children to think out of the box
  • Reading can help them cope up better in school and in life
  • The practice of a parent reading to their kids strengthens parent-child bond
  • Helping children develop the habit of reading and writing goes a long way
  • A daily habit of reading and writing brings life-changing transformations 

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  1. Senawati J, Suwastini NK, Jayantini GA, Adnyani NL, Artini NN. The Benefits of Reading Aloud for Children: A Review in EFL Context. Indonesian Journal of English Education (IJEE). 2021 Jun 29;8(1):73-100.
  2. Merga MK, Mat Roni S. Empowering parents to encourage children to read beyond the early years. The Reading Teacher. 2018 Sep;72(2):213-21.
  3. Morrow LM, Weinstein CS. Encouraging voluntary reading: The impact of a literature program on children's use of library centers. Reading Research Quarterly. 1986 Jul 1:330-46.
  4. Morrow LM, Weinstein CS. Encouraging voluntary reading: The impact of a literature program on children's use of library centers. Reading Research Quarterly. 1986 Jul 1:330-46. 

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Start by finding books related to their interests and reading together. Gradually, their curiosity may lead to a love for reading. 

Both have their benefits. It's essential to offer a mix of physical books and e-books to cater to your child's preferences and needs. 

Seek support from teachers or reading specialists if you notice difficulties. Early intervention can make a significant difference in their reading development. 

Set clear boundaries for screen time and create designated periods for reading. Gradually, your child will learn to prioritize reading.

It's never too early to introduce books to your child. Even infants benefit from exposure to board books and colorful pictures. The key is to adjust your approach as they grow and their reading skills develop.