Why Childhood Immunizations Are Important

The importance of immunization, hygiene, and care for your newborn.

Key highlights or summary

  • During the first four weeks of being born, a baby is more susceptible to infections.
  • During this time, babies should get vaccinated to fight infection. There are three vaccines—BCG, Hepatitis B, and OPV—that the baby can take.
  • Newborns have sensitive skin so hygiene could be of concern as well.
  • Regular bathing, diaper area cleaning, moisturizing, and sun protection is included in hygiene maintenance.
  • Non-separation, skin-to-skin connection, and breastfeeding are important for a newborn’s health.

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  1. FAQ about Polio available at polioeradication
  2. Polio symptoms and cure available at Mayoclinic 
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  8. Hygiene: Better hygiene leads to better health, confidence, and overall growth. Available at Unicef

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