How Often Should Women Take The Pap Smear Test?

Pap Smear Test

Key highlights or summary

  • The Pap smear test is a crucial screening for detecting precancerous and cell changes on the cervix.
  • Women under 21 don't need screening, while those aged 21-29 should get tested every 3 years if results are normal.
  • For women aged 30-64, a Pap smear every 3 years or a combined Pap and HPV test every 5 years is advised.
  • Women aged 65 and above can usually skip screening if they have a history of normal results and have had a hysterectomy for non-cancerous conditions.
  • Screening every 3 years, instead of annually, is now seen as sufficient.
  • Getting a Pap smear during menstruation is possible, but it's better to reschedule to avoid influence on results.
  • It's vital not to skip Pap tests. They are key in preventing cervical cancer
  • Most sexually active individuals have HPV, often without knowing it. Regular Pap smears are essential for detecting HPV.

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