The Best Foods For Brain Health Development In Children

Foods For Brain Health

Key highlights or summary

  • The brain is the prime organ that handles cognitive abilities, emotional regulation, social skills, academic achievement etc.
  • Proper nutrition is essential for building the foundation of a healthy brain and optimizing cognitive function in kids.
  • Vitamins for brain health, such as B vitamins, Vitamin E, Omega-3 fatty acids, Antioxidants, Choline etc., should be included in kids' daily diet to ensure their brain health.
  • Having foods for brain health, physical exercise, mental stimulation, social interaction etc., will stimulate brain development. 

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Best foods for brain health promotes brain health and support optimal cognitive function. A balanced diet improves concentration, attention span, thinking clearly and alertness. It can also help to resolve brain health issues. 

Green leafy vegetables like kale, spinach, collards, and broccoli are rich in vitamins for brain health like, vitamin K, lutein, folate, and beta-carotene. Fatty fish, berries, nuts, seeds, eggs, yogurt, dark chocolate etc., are some foods good for brain health. 

The brain is the organ that deals with the cognitive, sensory, social-emotional, behavioural and motor functions. Exercise for brain health, a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle would protect the brain and reduce the risk of dementia, Alzheimer, Parkinson etc. The decreased cognitive and physical function would limit our ability to be independent and do our day-to-day activities. 

A neurologist will conduct a brain health assessment by-Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) scans to diagnose a potential brain injury. A neurological exam evaluates thinking, motor function (movement), sensory function, coordination, eye movement and reflexes.